Postdoc Openings for Fall 2024!
About the Opportunity:
The Research on Integrated and Early Development (REID) Lab (, residing within the Center for Cognitive and Brain Health at Northeastern University, invites applications for a Post-doctoral research associate at all levels for Fall 2024. The position is to begin Summer or Fall 2024 for a term of 2-3 years, with yearly renewals based upon funding and performance.
The REID Lab and offices will be located in the heart of Boston, in the new, state-of-the-art ISEC building, which includes a brand-new research suite and neuroimaging center. Our research examines how human biology adapts to social and nutritional factors worldwide to support child development. Our mission is to combine psychobiology and nutrition research to understand how bodies and brains respond to the environment. We focus on the endocrine system, neurodevelopment, the immune system, nutrient metabolism, and behavior in infants, children, pregnant individuals, and adult caregivers. As part of the Center for Cognitive and Brain Health, there is ample opportunity for collaboration with other faculty and researchers of the Center.
This postdoctoral position will involve leading independent research, as well as conducting analysis of existing data, which can range broadly from biospecimens (e.g., cortisol, immune biomarkers, nutrition biomarkers), behavioral (e.g., self-report, observational data, dietary data), cardiometabolic (arterial stiffness, body composition), epigenetic data, and geocoding data from studies examining how the timing of social and nutritional adversities early in life impact physical development and neurodevelopment.
Applicants can explore basic questions focused on characterizing pregnancy, early infancy, or adolescence and/or translational questions related to clinical risk and resilience factors. Though not required, we are particularly interested in applicants who use advanced quantitative methods (e.g., longitudinal models, computational modeling, machine learning)..
Specific activities may include managing/preprocessing/analyzing behavioral and biospecimen data, collecting new data (e.g., biospecimen selection and processing, selecting questionnaires and observational tasks, geocoding, fMRI, wearables), presenting and disseminating research, formal supervision and mentoring of lab members at earlier career stages on independent research projects, grant writing, leading independent research and disseminating results via conferences, talks, and first-author manuscripts. Expertise in any or all of these skills is not required.
Applicants should have a PhD degree (or expected by September 1, 2024) in Psychology or a related field (e.g., Neuroscience, Epidemiology, Nutrition Sciences), with an interest in the social and nutritional biology of early development.
Strong candidates will have a track record of research on psychobiology in pregnancy, infancy, childhood, or adolescence and/or interest and expertise in complex biological and social processes, the ability to effectively manage a research team, and experience using advanced quantitative methods, including machine learning and longitudinal modeling.
How to apply:
Candidates are invited to apply online at NU Careers: They must submit a CV and Cover Letter, along with the name and contact information of two referees who have worked with the applicant in a supervisory research role or related position. The Cover Letter should include the applicants’ research interests (i.e., core research questions and projects completed, future directions and how they relate to the current position) and academic/technical training, including current skills and training goals.
Please contact Dr. Reid at if you have further questions. Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis, with priority given to submissions received before April 1st, 2024. We especially encourage those from underrepresented groups in science to apply. Applications will not be accepted via email.